Your Conscious Mind is Blocking you from your Dream Life …..Here’s How to Overcome it 

Your consciouses mind is blocking you from you dream life …’s how to overcome it 

One of the biggest hurdles we face when trying to manifest our desires into the third-dimensional reality is how far those desires seem from our current experience. It’s hard to imagine being a millionaire when you only have $400 in the bank. You try the usual manifestation techniques: visualizing yourself with a million dollars, feeling the joy of abundance, and repeating affirmations. Yet, your conscious mind—the part of you responsible for maintaining the status quo and ensuring homeostasis—does its job and rejects the idea. Instead of aligning with the visualization, you’re bombarded with thoughts like, “I can’t possibly have a million dollars,” “That’s not for me,” or “This is unrealistic.”

The problem isn’t with the manifestation techniques, but rather with how we respond to the disconnect between where we are and where we want to be. Our conscious mind is programmed to keep us in familiar territory, so when we introduce ideas that seem far removed from our current reality, it tries to bring us back to what it knows. This is why thoughts of disbelief flood in when we try to hold a vision that feels too big or distant.

However, overcoming this resistance isn’t about forcing ourselves to believe something we simply can’t accept. It’s about understanding the process and how the universe is working behind the scenes to bring our desires into form. The key is recognizing that the steps from point A (where we are now) to point B (where we want to be) already exist. They are unfolding, even if we can’t see them yet.

Logical Steps in Manifestation

Let’s use the example of manifesting a million dollars. While sitting with only $400 in the bank, it’s hard to imagine how that kind of wealth could ever come into your life. But here’s the thing: the universe isn’t asking you to believe in magic; it’s asking you to trust that there are steps between where you are now and the reality of being a millionaire.

You don’t need to see every step upfront—no one does. In fact, our human minds with their limited consciousness are incapable of seeing all the possibilities in the quantum field. But the universe, with its higher consciousness, can. It knows how to guide you, and it tries to bring you into alignment with the actions that will unfold each step of the process. And here’s the kicker: those steps will make sense.

The journey from $400 to a million dollars might seem impossible at first glance, but as you take inspired action, you’ll find that each step is logical. You may receive a new job offer, start a business, make connections, or learn something that opens doors you hadn’t even considered. Each step forward brings you closer to your goal in a way that feels natural.

Trusting the Process

Consider a time when you manifested something else—a relationship, for example. Before meeting your spouse or significant other, you may have been 100% single, not even dating, and unable to see how you would ever meet someone you wanted to marry. The gap between being single and being married to the love of your life seemed enormous. Yet, once you met that person, the path that led you to them made perfect sense.

Maybe you met through mutual friends, at a random event, or online. Whatever the case, you can now look back and see how the steps were logical. At the time, it may have seemed like magic, but it was simply the universe aligning the pieces to bring you to that point. And that’s exactly what happens with any goal or dream we wish to manifest.

Faith and Co-Creation

Just because we cannot see how a desire will manifest doesn’t mean the steps don’t exist. This is where faith comes into play. The universe is constantly working with us to bring our desires into physical form. We are co-creators with all that is, and we hold within us the potential to manifest anything we desire.

However, as humans, we’ve chosen to take on the veil of delusion—this idea that we are separate from the universe, from the infinite possibilities of creation. This limited perspective is part of our experience here on Earth, but it doesn’t change the fact that we are still connected to a higher consciousness that knows how to guide us to our desires.

The trick is allowing ourselves to partner with that higher consciousness. Instead of letting our conscious mind block us with thoughts of impossibility, we need to trust that the universe is always guiding us toward what we want. The path will be revealed as we take inspired action, and with each step, we’ll see how point A leads to point B.

Practical Application

When you’re manifesting something big—whether it’s wealth, a relationship, or a new career—start by acknowledging where you are. Recognize that while your conscious mind might not be able to see the entire path, the universe does. Trust that the steps will unfold logically, and focus on taking inspired action in the present moment.

Instead of trying to convince yourself that you already have a million dollars or are living your dream life, focus on what feels true right now. You can acknowledge that you want a million dollars and feel gratitude for the money you do have. You can take action toward your goals, knowing that the next steps will reveal themselves.

The journey from where you are to where you want to be is already mapped out. All you need to do is take the next step, trust the process, and know that the universe is guiding you every step of the way.

In hindsight, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Oh, I see how I got from point A to point B.” But for now, embrace the unknown and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

Here’s the thing about manifestation that no one tells you… can work to manifest something all you want but your conscious mind is working overtime to maintain what it knows….the status quo….the current pattern and because you can’t see how you could go from current reality to dream life reality you reject thoughts or thag desired reality as soon as they come in, sighting reasons why it seems impossible. This is because going from point A to point B seems so far fetched that it presents and fantasy….you can’t see the logical steps, but that doesn’t mean the steps don’t exist. For example, Right now, it seems impossible to go from $400 to a million dollars, so your mind fights you about it…. But think about something you have manifested—maybe a relationship or a job. At the time, you had no idea how it would unfold, but in hindsight, every step makes perfect sense, right? It’s the same with any big desire. The steps are already there, but you can’t see them until you start taking action. Once you do, the path unfolds logically, and suddenly it’s not so unbelievable. Although it is pretty fantastic.



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