Chakra Quick Guide…Balance Your Energy; Improve Your Life

Chakra Quick Guide…Balance Your Energy; Improve Your Life

The symbol commonly associated with the medical field—a rod entwined by two serpents, known as the Caduceus—carries a deeper, spiritual significance that goes far beyond its surface interpretation. At its core, the Caduceus represents the interplay of two fundamental forces governing the body, mind, and soul: the masculine and feminine energies. The opportunity presented to every soul incarnating into a human body is to bring these two energies into balance, systematically working through each chakra, the energy centers located along the spinal column, to ascend in consciousness.

The Journey Begins: The Root Chakra and Survival

The journey starts at the base of the spine, with the root chakra, also known as Muladhara. This chakra corresponds to the first level of consciousness, a state where survival and self-identity take precedence. It is here that we first root ourselves in the physical world, establishing a sense of separation from others and creating a foundation for our experience of life.

When out of balance, the root chakra can display two extremes: underactivity, which represents a feminine imbalance (lacking grounding or stability), and overactivity, a masculine imbalance (being overly controlling or materialistic). The goal here is to balance these energies, creating an open channel for energy to rise through the chakras, just as the Caduceus symbolizes the rising serpentine energies of Ida (feminine) and Pingala (masculine) in yogic philosophy.

Creation and Power: The Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras

Once balanced in the root chakra, energy rises to the sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, the second level of consciousness. This chakra governs creativity, reproduction, and emotional fluidity. It’s responsible for our ability to create, whether in the literal sense (as in reproduction) or the more abstract sense of creative expression and connection with others.

Next comes the solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, located in the abdomen. This is the seat of personal power and will, the center through which we exert control over our lives and realize our individual identity. When balanced, this chakra empowers us to take action in the world and embrace our authentic selves with confidence.

Love and Expression: The Heart and Throat Chakras

The energy continues to ascend, reaching the heart chakra, or Anahata. This is the center of love, compassion, and unity. It represents the fourth level of consciousness, where dualities like love and hate begin to dissolve into unconditional love for all beings. Here, balance is key: neither closing off from love out of fear nor being overly dependent on others for emotional fulfillment.

After balancing love, we move to the throat chakra, or Vishuddha, the center of communication and self-expression. It is here that we express our truth and speak authentically. It corresponds to the fifth density of consciousness, where the voice becomes a tool for manifesting intentions into reality. Balancing this energy allows us to speak our truth freely and without fear.

The Inner Vision: The Third Eye and Eclipse of Masculine and Feminine

Once the lower chakras are balanced, the energy reaches the third eye, or Ajna, located between the eyebrows. This is the center of intuition, inner vision, and higher wisdom. When we meditate deeply and focus on the third eye, we may experience a visual of the masculine and feminine energies coming together in perfect harmony—symbolized as an eclipse. This energetic fusion reflects the merging of the brain’s hemispheres, unlocking higher states of consciousness and the brain’s atomic potential.

This eclipse of masculine and feminine energies creates a stargate portal through which our consciousness can ascend. The balancing of the third eye allows us to see beyond the physical realm and access deeper spiritual truths.

Return to Oneness: The Crown Chakra and Union with the Divine

Finally, the energy rises to the crown chakra, or Sahasrara, the seventh and final chakra located at the top of the head. This chakra is responsible for our connection to cosmic consciousness, the realization that we are not separate from the universe but are part of the divine whole. When this energy center is fully open, duality dissolves, and we merge back into the Law of One—a state of singular consciousness.

At this stage, the soul has completed its journey from the first level of consciousness (the root) to the seventh (the crown), symbolizing a return to “seventh heaven.” This ascent mirrors the spiritual process of “falling from grace” (descending into the first dimensional consciousness of survival) and rising back to divine union (the crown chakra). It represents the soul’s evolution through the chakras, each step bringing us closer to the Great I AM, the universal source of all creation.


The Caduceus, far from being just a medical symbol, represents this profound spiritual journey. It shows us the path of balancing masculine and feminine energies within ourselves, moving through the chakras, and ultimately ascending to cosmic consciousness. As we balance these energies and raise them through our system, we step closer to realizing our oneness with the universe, merging back into the divine source from which we came. In doing so, we complete the soul’s evolutionary journey, finding not only healing but also the ultimate truth of existence.

This process of inner balancing is the true medicine, not just for the body, but for the soul.

“Think the medical symbol is just a logo? Think again. Those two snakes represent ancient knowledge—your own masculine and feminine energies, spiraling through your chakras. When they meet at your third eye, they create an eclipse, unlocking a portal to higher consciousness. This is more than survival—this is the key to divine oneness, to merging with the source of all creation. The question is, are you ready to wake up to your true power?”


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