How to Quickly Protect Your Sleep from Nightmares and Spiritual Attacks
If you or someone you know has been dealing with nightmares or feels spiritually attacked in their sleep, this simple yet powerful remedy could be exactly what you need. Our dreams and sleep are sacred spaces, but sometimes, negative energies can seep in and disrupt our peace. Here’s a method I’ve found incredibly effective in clearing those energies and creating a shield of protection over your sleep.
First, start by taking a bowl of purified water. You can use filtered or boiled water—whatever feels clean and aligned for you. To this, add Himalayan salt. Salt is known for its grounding and protective properties. It’s used across cultures as a way to cleanse and clear away unwanted energies.
Next, you’ll want to add the ashes of burnt sage, incense, or Palo Santo. These sacred plants have been used for centuries to clear energetic spaces and provide protection. As you burn the sage or Palo Santo, set your intention for energetic clearing and protection, praying over the ashes before adding them to the water. This step infuses the water with spiritual power.
Now, here’s where the magic deepens: add a small amount of powdered blue anil to the mix. This blue holds a frequency that signifies holiness and the need for protection. It’s not just a color; it’s a sacred energy. In the Bible, important objects were transported under blue cloth for this very reason, and in ancient Hebrew traditions, blue stripes are used alongside white for spiritual protection.
Once you’ve combined everything in the bowl, say a prayer of your choice over it. I personally use a command prayer, but any prayer that resonates with you is perfect as long as it’s spoken with clear intention. You’re inviting protection, clearing, and peaceful rest into your space. If you’re interested in learning the prayer I use, feel free to DM me, and I’d be happy to share it.
Finally, place the bowl of water under your bed. You’ll start to notice an immediate difference in the quality of your sleep and your dreams. The nightmares will ease, and the feeling of being spiritually attacked will dissipate. Along with this, you can ask for a white light of protection from your angels, guides, or loved ones on the other side. They’re always there to support you when you ask.
Don’t forget to change the water every seven days or as needed to keep the energy fresh and clear.
Give this a try and see how it transforms your sleep. It’s a simple yet sacred practice, and you’ll feel the difference in your energy almost right away.